How Donations
Are Used
Participating in WOTTHC and its events is entirely free, thanks to the dedicated efforts of our volunteers. However, running the organization comes with associated expenses essential to continue offering these valuable opportunities. Your generous donations play a pivotal role in sustaining our club's mission.
Event Costs
Throughout the year, WOTTHC hosts various social gatherings to celebrate our community. While the costs for each event may differ, they typically encompass refreshments and necessary supplies. As a relatively young club, we've invested in reusable equipment, such as portable tables and wagons, which enhance the quality of these events and support our club's growth.
Hike Leader Kits
Hike leaders are equipped with essential supplies, including walkie-talkies, bug spray, sunscreen, hygiene products, hair ties, snacks, electrolytes, allergy medicine, pain relievers, general first aid items, a rainbow pinwheel for easy identification as WOTTHC representatives, and a table with a notebook for sign-ins. The cost for each hike leader kit is approximately $70, and all supplies are provided to hikers in need at no cost.
Member Incentives
We've introduced an exciting incentive program to encourage our members to stay engaged with the club. After their first hike, members receive a sticker to commemorate the experience. Then, as a special recognition for their dedication and to motivate them to stay active within our community, the club proudly offers a complimentary club t-shirt to hikers who achieve the milestone of completing ten hikes with us.
Business Costs
WOTTHC transcends being merely a Facebook group; it stands as a bona fide nonprofit business entity. To sustain our operations and provide essential services to our community, we must allocate resources for vital functions such as IT services, banking, insurance, equipment storage, and various administrative necessities.
Fundraising Expenses
Occasionally, in the pursuit of raising funds to support our club's mission, we invest in initiatives that require some initial expenditure. One practical approach we employ is the creation of merchandise featuring our club logo, which we subsequently offer to our members at a modest markup. This strategy allows us to generate additional revenue, advancing our objectives further and better serving our community.